About Me


And BilalJeanPaul is my little corner of the internet!

  Every successful person has a painful story to tell. They kept getting back up when no one was watching. They kept practicing when no one was around. What they have accomplished now looks easy.  Tough times create strong men.  But it was through pain and effort which brought about what looks easy.  There will come a day when everyone will find who they really are.  I hope you're ready for that day. 

I have a story to tell.

  I live in Atlanta, exploring what life has to offer and determined to leave this world a better place.  Striving to establish and live by my own standards. I want to be free. Born in Haiti. Raised in Brooklyn.


You're in competition with no one.  You are running your own race.  There is no desire to play the game of being better than anyone.  Aim to improve yourself while striving to be better then you were the day before.  Create a path to be free.  Ultimately, everything that has happened to me or I've experienced is my fault.  If I'm experiencing something difficult, take the body blow and I learn from it. 

These experiences help me to create something wonderful.  The best created ideas, for me, always comes from a hardship I've gone through.  I always feel something amazing is going to happen after a hardship.


Along with all the recipes of life, I also use the blog to share bits and pieces of my life outside of work. From photos of my favorite trips, to reflections on grief and loss, food, health, grooming and general Atlanta life, and to fatherhood.

  • Travel: From living in Haiti, to the ultimate living experience, Brooklyn, NY adventure, to the most beautiful state I ever lived in, Conneticut, to fresh seafood in Florida! Travelling and living abroad is on the list.
  • Loss: I have lossed a lot but one of the hardest times is to experience a stil born baby.  Men are taught to be strong, however, while trying to be strong for everyone else, I suffered alone because I was afraid to express my emotions.  Men expressing emotions is viewed as flawed or weak.  
  • Fatherhood: In 1996, we welcomed our baby girl into the world. I’ve written a lot about her and my experiences in bringing in a total of five children with me through fatherhood.
  • Entrepreneurship: I am a serial entrepreneur.  Started and failed many projects.  Failing is a key motivator of why I have succeeded.  I created a business simply because I wanted to spend more time with my family.  Some ideas worked and some did not, but the research, development of the creative process, I love.  It's an amazing feeling when an idea comes to fruition.
  • Sales: Sales is my passion.  I love the act of interacting and engaging with customers.  It is a tremendous feeling to be able to solve a problem.  Selling is 90% personality and 10% product knowledge.  A lot of salespeople want to show customers how smart they are.  I want to show customers how I can help them find solutions.
  • Food:  I love food.  I love the art of it, the presentation of it.  I come from a family of great people that love to prepare food.  My mother of course, my sisters, my aunts and my grandmother,  all love to cook.  There was always something to eat in our home and I too have the passion in my home with the children.

I also share about my life on my person instagram @bilal.jeanpaul. I’d love if you followed me there too!

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the solution Blogger PRO

Being in sales, I am constantly asked how we grew the blog into a source of income.  My tech-loving daughters, Amani and Nadyah decided to detail our journey publicly as somewhat of an “experiment.” And as a result, lots of people starting asking us how they could do the same thing. In 2021, Amani and Nadyah built a community called The Solution Blogger Pro as a place to teach people everything we’ve learned over the last 30 years in the sales industry.

You guys, The Solution Blogger Pro is amazing. It contains many interviews and videos of products and converstions in an active community forum, a panel of industry experts, live monthly events where you can submit your blogging sales questions. 

If you’re interested in learning more about sales, marketing or becoming a The Solution Blogger Pro member, click here. You can also check out The Bilal Jean-Paul Blogger Pro Podcast for quick, actionable blogging tips from some of the best in the biz.

Our Team

We have an entire team of geniuses behind us at Bilal Jean-Paul who are experts in a little bit of everything - from customer service, to social media, to cybersecurity, to graphic arts, to assisting with recipe shoots. They are EVERYTHING.

Our team helps keep it all running smoothly.


Bilal is the voice, author, and creator behind BilalJeanPaul. He develops ideas, and writes content for the blog and on Instagram. The little blog that started as his casual hobby for what he likes while working as a salesman and entrepreneur and has now blown into a full-fledged business. He lives in metro Atlanta.


Amani is the chief tech consultant / business advisor / taste tester at BilalJeanPaul. Day-to-day, you’ll mostly see her testing new software, making sure all of our systems are operating at maximum efficiency.  She is passionate about fashion, and entrepreneurship.  She can usually be found with a coffee in hand.


Nadyah is the Chief Food Strategist, Artist and Cybersecurity consultant for BilalJeanPaul. She manages much of the day-to-day communication with regards what recipes we will be working on, restaurants to visit and above all computer network. You can find her answering recipe questions on posts, creating digital are, interacting with customer question and coordinating details within our brands, and other various behind-the-scenes projects. 


Yasmine is the resident Visual genius, part time chef in her own right and digital artist.  She loves to read, shop and being outdoors.  She loves to produce new visual content on a daily basis and create new recipes to experiment with.  You can find her either behind the screen or behind a stove.   She makes sure readers have a great experience on the blog and in the kitchen making recipes.  Yasmine is passionate about animals, self care, and shopping.


Liyah is an artist, stuff animal designer, video specialis and writer for BilalJeanPaul. She develops, films, and edits all of our videos that you see here on the blog and on Instagram. She also works alongside our other team members as our resident video expert, answering questions on the forum and live Q&As. Liyah loves photography, animal, and manages her blog/journal, The Pink Koala.


Bilal is the all around athlete, pilot, and amazing student.  He loves being outside.  He loves to play XBOX and chill with his family.  

Copyright © 2024 Bilal Jean-Paul All rights reserved.
Bilal Jean-Paul does not participate in affiliate marketing programs, which means we do not get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links. If you have any questions, feedback, suggestion or things you’d like to see on this site please get in touch. info@bilaljeanpaul.com